Apex Legends' Next Hero Is Titanfall's Ash

Respawn Entertainment dropped a new Apex Legend Stories from the Outlands video featuring the upcoming Legend Ash. Ash is a simulacrum–a robot with a mechanical body but human mind–and is originally from the Titanfall franchise. Come from Sports betting site VPbet

It is no surprise that she’s the next playable character, since the latest Apex Legends’ Twitter comic featured Ash prominently. In the storyline, Horizon thought Ash was her friend Lilian Peck and input codes to awaken Ash’s former memories and consciousness. Horizon then finds out that Ash is actually Dr. Reid, her former assistant who betrayed Horizon and the Pathfinder group. In The Truth, it is shown that Dr. Reid was heavily injured by Amelie Paquette, who inflicted the mortal wound that triggered the operation to turn Dr. Reid into a simulacrum.

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