The Legend of Zelda- Twilight Princess Review

When game consoles transitioned from offering primarily 2D games to polygonal 3D games about 10 years ago, all of the tricks and gameplay ideas that developers had been relying on for years flew right out the window. During this time, Nintendo quickly found its footing and released masterful takes on its old franchises that retained the fun and feeling of the older games while properly updating them in exciting and impressive new ways. 1998’s The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was a prime example of this. It featured a more realistic take on the series’ fantasy world than ever before, while implementing innovative new controls and offering a good sense of freedom without making the player feel lost. It’s one of the greatest games of all time, so it’s hard to fault Nintendo for revis…

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Review – Me And You And Everyone We Know

The idea of what the Super Smash Bros. games are, and what they can be, has been different things during the series’ 20-year history. What began as an accessible multiplayer game also became a highly competitive one-on-one game. But it’s also been noted for having a comprehensive single-player adventure, as well as becoming a sort of virtual museum catalog, exhibiting knowledge and audiovisual artifacts from the histories of its increasingly diverse crossover cast. Ultimate embraces all these aspects, and each has been notably refined, added to, and improved for the better. Everyone, and basically everything, from previous games is here–all existing characters, nearly all existing stages, along with the flexibility to play and enjoy those things in different ways. Super Smash Bros. Ult…

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Apex Legends' Next Hero Is Titanfall's Ash

Respawn Entertainment dropped a new Apex Legend Stories from the Outlands video featuring the upcoming Legend Ash. Ash is a simulacrum–a robot with a mechanical body but human mind–and is originally from the Titanfall franchise. Come from Sports betting site VPbet

It is no surprise that she’s the next playable character, since the latest Apex Legends’ Twitter comic featured Ash prominently. In the storyline, Horizon thought Ash was her friend Lilian Peck and input codes to awaken Ash’s former memories and consciousness. Horizon then finds out that Ash is actually Dr. Reid, her former assistant who betrayed Horizon and the Pathfinder group. In The Truth, it is shown that Dr. Reid was heavily injured by Ameli…

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Outriders Demo Updated Again To Address Inventory Wipe Glitch

Developer People Can Fly has released an Outriders update addressing a glitch that wipes players’ inventories. The patch is now live on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. Come from Sports betting site VPbet

Publisher Square Enix said the issue should be prevented going forward. Those affected between March 16-19 (and after) are told to reply to this Reddit thread or this Twitter post; the studio may reach out to further resolve any problems.

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